
Along with learning Word Press, I am learning how to save and collage pictures.

The end of a six week weight training program and diet change. Wow, I feel awesome. Between a mix of cardio, weights, and yoga my mid line circumference is shrinking. According to the scale, the pounds are not dropping however, I am still happy.

During physical therapy I learned low and slow will go a long way. These six weeks have been just that. Squats and lunges have been body weight, any arms and shoulder have be five pounds or less. Don’t need to re-injury or hurt my other arm. Cardio consist of running and biking; two minutes of running and two minutes of walking for two miles. Bike rides are 20 to 35 miles.

The second phase, I will increase weight and drop the reps. Pittsburgh Great Race is coming soon, and increasing running is also part of this phase. Phase two is eight weeks, just in time for the race.

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